Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Melissa George Havoc Night

Saturday night was Melissa George Night at the Havoc Hockey game. We love to go to this special event to support the Melissa George Foundation. Donations go directly to our local NICU and purchase life-saving equipment like Giraffe Omni beds for preemies. They also fund memory boxes for parents who do not get to bring their babies home. The Melissa George foundation is near & dear to our hearts.

This year, Amy George (Melissa's mother) invited us to join them in their ice box! We were so excited to be right next to the action and hanging out with all of our friends! Unfortunately, Amy got sick right before the game and couldn't attend. I was so disappointed for her! Here is the rest of her family: Ann Catherine (Melissa's twin sister), Amy's Dad, Chris, Lily Baker & Amy's Mom

Like a dodo, I left my camera at home, so I missed some key shots of the evening, like Ann Catherine & Lily Baker dropping the puck and Chaos & Ruckus visiting us in the ice box. Fortunately, my friend Amanda loaned us her camera after she arrived.

Amanda, Cam & Nicole

Every year special jerseys are designed for the players to wear during this game and then auctioned off after the game. This year the jerseys featured footprints of babies in the NICU! How precious is that!?!

The players also hand decorate their hockey sticks for this game and auction them off in a silent auction during the game. Last year we were able to outbid everyone else and take home Chris George's stick! This year we were so busy chasing after Camden that we didn't get a chance to bid.

Camden staring in awe at the mini Blimp flying overhead.

The blimp was the only thing that could tear his attention away from the mascots!

Cam playing with his lunchbox & Reed in the background.

Swinging the lunchbox around. You can see it has Chaos on one side!

Cam watching Chaos & Ruckus thru the glass.

Me, Brad, & one very tired little boy. We left in the 3rd period to put Cam to bed. We hated to miss the live the auction after the game, but were thrilled to learn that $40,000 was raised that night! Also, the Havoc won!
Thank you, Chris & Amy, for asking us to join you!

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